Here is another IoT Tech Talk. @Christian_Guether1, Principal Consultant IoT & Devices, Software AG and @Thomas_Winkler2, Senior Director, Cumulocity IoT R&D, Software AG talk about Web App Integration Tests for Cumulocity IoT.
- Getting started with Integration Tests with cypress - https://tech.forums.softwareag.com/t/cumulocity-app-and-plugin-testing-with-cypress-getting-started
- Favorite Plugin Example - GitHub - SoftwareAG/cumulocity-favorites-manager-plugin: Mark any asset or device as a favorite to quickly access these in your personal favorites list
- Cumulocity Cypress Package - GitHub - SoftwareAG/cumulocity-cypress: Collection of commands and utilities to be used for automating tests for Cumulocity with Cypress.
- API Integration Tests using cypress - cumulocity-cypress/doc/API and Integration Testing.md at main · SoftwareAG/cumulocity-cypress · GitHub